(established 1982)
Medical Environmental Services
Tech-Clean Inc. has extensive experience in the Hospital, Medical Office and Surgery Center cleaning environment. Our experience includes:

Surgical Area Terminal Cleaning Services
We provide terminal cleaning services in operating, surgery and service areas of several hospitals in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Terminal cleaning is completed based on AORN standards where our teams are trained and closely supervised. Terminal cleaning requires guaranteed consistent high quality performance. Nightly terminal cleaning is documented and becomes part of the operating room service log for the hospital. Our crews are retrained on a quarterly schedule which is followed by a written test.
Our managers are experienced in the operation of most of the operating beds in use. We train our crews to manipulate the beds to access and complete all cleaning.

Tile Floor Services
We provide floor tile maintenance in several area hospitals. These programs vary to include facility common areas as well as department care. We provide trained and experienced floor crews to provide wet work (strip and scrub service) in the hospital environment. With this experience we are able to maintain safe and continued foot traffic through these areas during service. We provide all safety tools necessary for the clear demarcation of service areas whether this be in common areas or hospital departments.
Tech-Clean Inc has designed on-going maintenance programs for several medical facilities to include strip, scrub, and buff schedules.

Kitchen Detail Cleaning & Maintenance
We provide kitchen area maintenance to the medical community. These services include the scrubbing and degreasing of kitchen floor tile, walls, and ceiling tile, as well as Vent-A-Hoods and equipment. (when requested)

Ancillary Labor
We have the resources to provide ancillary labor needs for facilities to include general cleaners, room cleaners, floor techs and kitchen dishwash and support personnel.